Carbon Offsets Project

The documents that will be released to the Carbon market for the Expression of Interest (EOI) process are currently being finalised. The EOI will be released to the Carbon market in mid-June.

A draft Term Sheet for the proposed Special Purpose Vehicle has been prepared. The working group for this stream of work will begin meeting in June to discuss and finalise the Term Sheet/Member’s Agreement.

An update briefing on the project was provided to the CMA Climate Change Forum.

As a reminder you can keep up to date on what is happening in the Carbon market via MAG/Aurecon’s monthly report which is available on

Workforce Readiness Project

The may working group meeting included presentations from the Qld Water Directorate and

The business case for the proposed Victorian Water Industry Training Academy continues to be developed.

Next steps for this project include:

Holding a round table with training providers to gauge their interest in being involved in the project and how they could support the development of the academy; and

A further survey of members to gather more detailed information required for the business case.

Victorian Water Sector Recycled Products Database Project

Aurecon has now finalised the report and draft database for this project.

The outputs of this project will be circulated by DEECA via its Water Sector Circular Economy and Energy Working Group.

Other Activities

Attended the following meetings/events:

  • Met with Infrastructure Victoria to the update of its 30-year strategy.
  • PIPA Australia’s update on its sustainability initiatives and reporting
  • Held several meetings with water corporations to discuss the pending review of the Safe Drinking Water Regulations and the Department of Health’s proposed review process. An initial position paper has been provided to DH to help inform the development of its discussion paper.
  • WSAA’s High Potential Incident Forum.
  • Office of TAFE Co-ordination and Delivery webinar about its role and functions.
  • Water Conservancy’s Victorian water efficiency workshop.
  • Women in Water Director’s Network seminar – Preventing sexual harassment: From compliance to cultural change.
  • One Basin CRC’s listening session: Co-designing a project to ‘Decarbonise the Basin’s irrigation regions’.
  • Presentation from AECOM on its Scope 3 emissions calculation tool.
  • EPA Water Sector Consultation Group meeting.
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