VicWater works with our members and partner organisations to deliver positive outcomes for the Victorian water industry and the community.
Water Minister’s Climate Innovation Challenge
VicWater and IWN were thrilled to announce the funding recipients for the 2024 Water Minister’s Climate Innovation Challenge, at the Awards Ceremony on 5 December 2025. The awards recognised innovative solutions that are paving the way for a sustainable water future.
Please click here to find out the winner and runners up in this great initiative for the sector.
Further information regarding the Water Minister’s Climate Innovation Challenge can be found at the website: https://climateinnovationchallenge.org.au/
Intelligent Water Networks (IWN) Program
Intelligent Water Networks (IWN) Program investigates new technologies and innovations to meet common challenges such as population growth, ageing infrastructure and climate variability in a more efficient manner.
IWN is a partnership between VicWater, 16 Victorian water corporations and Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.
IWN investigates new ways to solve common challenges within the Victorian/Tasmanian water industry.
Building capability and leadership skills in the water sector through a Champions program, participants develop their problem solving, communication and professional skills by taking part in practical workshops and receiving one-on-one mentoring.
There is a focus on 10 key areas, including an Alumni Program to foster connections in a growing network.
The IWN vision is for shared opportunities within the Victorian Water Industry to be delivered through collaboration and leadership.

Women in Water Directors Network (WWDN)
The WWDN was established to create a positive and enabling environment so that women directors can thrive and be successful in the Victorian water industry. It aims to provide a place and space for women directors in water corporations and catchment management authorities to come together and thrive.
The network also plays an influencing role championing gender diversity and supporting the VicWater Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy at the most senior levels of the sector.
The WWDN Committee holds 3-4 events a year. All directors (regardless of gender) who are keen to support improvements in gender diversity are welcome to attend WWDN events. The Committee also manages a mentoring/peer program for senior women in the sector.

Insight: Executive Leadership
for Women in Water
A 12-month structured professional development program for women at the executive level in the water industry.
The Insight program has been designed to assist organisations in building confident, collaborative executive teams able to meet challenges through legacy-minded collective leadership.
With a focus on personalised self-development and learning from others, the program is truly transformative.
It highlights what women can achieve together, because it is anchored in the way women want to work rather than the paradigm they can find themselves working in.
VicWater Member Programs
VicWater programs designed for the members to support collaboration across the sector in key focus areas
VicWater facilitates sector collaboration that enables our members to work ‘better together’ to deliver efficiencies and innovation. We bring our members together to enhance the culture and build capability in areas of safety, diversity and inclusion, finance issues and cybersecurity.
By being truly collaborative we can create efficiencies and deliver better outcomes for all Victorian customers, communities and the environment.