Registrations are now open for the Plenary Session and SIG Meetings this March.
- Plenary Session – 9:00am – 9:45am
- SIG Meetings – 10am onwards
Plenary Session
Complexity in the Water Sector presented by David Middleton
Once upon a time, the business of a water corporation was relatively simple, with the focus on pipes and pump stations to meet the modest needs of communities – reliable water.
Move to today – the business of a water corporation is multifaceted and increasingly complex to navigate and manage. As a sector we respond to a number of challenges, while also responding to a drying climate and cost of living crisis. Our wonderful and committed people are what keeps the complex water corporation ecosystem going, but at times they report feeling overwhelmed.
Our plenary speaker David Middleton will provide some firsthand perspectives which will help recognise and navigate some of this complexity.
Special Interest Group Meetings
The following 12 SIG meetings will be meeting online:
- Communications
- Corporate Governance
- Customer Service
- Development Services
- Educators
- Energy & Greenhouse
- Environment
- Executive Assistants
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Technical
SIG meeting agendas are available here. To contact the SIG Convenor directly, please view contact details here.
Register for the plenary session and SIG meetings below.