Registrations are now open for the Plenary Session and SIG Meetings this March.
- Plenary Session – 9:00am – 9:45am
- SIG Meetings – 10am onwards
Plenary Session
Emergency Management & Sector Resilience
With extreme weather events increasing in frequency and intensity, we need to be more prepared than ever before to handle emergencies.
From storms and floods to heatwaves, bush fires and drought, we are coming up against an increasing state of VUCA – (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity), and unfortunately the next extreme weather event is not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’.
As providers of the ultimate essential service, we also have a commitment to public health and the environment. How do we plan and prepare for emergencies? How do we ensure staff wellbeing and community safety in a severe weather event? What are the priorities when things get tough?
Charmaine Quick
Damian Wells
Brad Drust
Charmaine Quick, Damian Wells and Brad Drust will speak from their experiences with the significant flooding that occurred across the north of the state in recent years. They will share insights and learnings that we can all take away to help us be more prepared and increase our resilience across the water sector.
Register for the Plenary Session and SIG Meetings below:
Special Interest Group Meetings
The following Special Interest Groups will be meeting online.
Click on the selected links below for the SIG meeting agendas. The remaining SIG agendas will become available shortly.
- Communications
- Corporate Governance
- Customer Service
- Development Services
- Educators
- Environment
- Energy & Greenhouse
- Executive Assistants
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Technical
To contact the SIG Convenor directly, please view contact details here.