
Minister for Water, the Hon Harriet Shing with East Gippsland Water Managing Director Steve McKenzie at the Wy Yung tank official opening in May 2023

Over the past few weeks, East Gippsland Water has been testing the operation of the new 36ML concrete water storage tank at our Wy Yung water storage facility in readiness for the 88ML water storage basin being offline for repairs next year.

The testing forms part of the larger Wy Yung water storage basin liner replacement project that is due to commence in March 2024. The project will involve replacing the existing liner and floating cover with new and improved materials at an estimated cost of $6 million.

East Gippsland Water Executive Manager Service Delivery, Neville Pearce explained that when the replacement liner project commences next year, the 36ML concrete water storage tank at Wy Yung will be the only water storage system in use for Bairnsdale and surround areas to supply customers with their drinking water. This will allow the adjacent 88ML water storage basin to be offline over the winter period months while the works are completed.

“To ensure that East Gippsland Water maintains the supply of high-quality drinking water to its customers during the liner replacement works, it was necessary for us to test the operation and performance of the water tank under live conditions.

This involved preparation of the tank over a 12-day period to fill the tank with approximately 35ML of high-quality treated water from our Woodglen facility. Once the tank was filled, sampling and testing was undertaken to ensure water quality was maintained.

The operation of the tank has proved to be extremely successful and we are confident that the tank will perform as required when we take the water storage basin offline to complete the liner replacement project next year.”

The 88ML water storage basin liner renewal project and 36ML covered concrete water tank provides long term security and reliability of the water supply to customers well into the future.

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