Through a collaborative process, Water Services Association Australia (WSAA), the Australian Water Association and association members have developed a bold, unifying and compelling campaign to promote careers in the water industry.
The campaign aims to attract new talent, and remind those who already work here of the importance of what they do.
WSAA’s People and Capability Committee recognised the need for the creation of an industry Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to proactively respond to the current ‘war for talent’ and to focus on future talent pipelines.
The non-branded industry campaign is based on key agreed principles and focuses on what differentiates us as a sector. Project objectives include:
- Drive understanding and awareness of the water industry and the vital role those who work in the industry play
- Position water as an industry of choice
- Instill a sense of pride and desire for both existing employees and prospective talent and
- Drive applications for key talent segments across industry members and partners, leverage collateral produced.
Campaign deliverables include: video and short story content featuring individuals, development of campaign brand assets for use by members (key messages, creative elements), a campaign guideline and a media tool kit.
WSAA have been pleased to partner with the Australian Water Association (AWA) on this campaign. The AWA have funded and delivered a careers site www.careersinwater.com.au to host the collateral produced.
We invite all members, individuals and stakeholders to promote the campaign and leverage deliverables to attract and retain talent in their own organisations.
Please contact Peter Gee for more information peter.gee@wsaa.asn.au