
About Lauren Vines

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So far Lauren Vines has created 127 blog entries.

Victorians are calling for the acceptance of American Express as cost-of-living pressures grow


Research commissioned by American Express shows 71% of Australians say they feel stressed by all the bills they need to pay 4. Separate research conducted by ASIC shows 52% of insolvent businesses in Australia report inadequate cash flow as [...]

Victorians are calling for the acceptance of American Express as cost-of-living pressures grow2024-10-07T13:58:00+11:00

Central Highlands Water and TRILITY Training Services – Course places on offer


TRILITY Training Services and Central Highlands Water are conducting NWPTRT040 Operate and control digestion processes training in Ballarat W/C on 17 - 19 September. They have some spare slots they would like to fill. This three-day course is open to all and [...]

Central Highlands Water and TRILITY Training Services – Course places on offer2024-10-02T16:17:23+10:00

More ways to pay supports a better customer experience: Partnering with American Express


As digital payments boom, there is a growing need for service providers to review how their customers can make payments. Research from American Express shows Victorian Residents and Small Businesses increasingly want to use their American Express ®Cards to [...]

More ways to pay supports a better customer experience: Partnering with American Express2024-09-05T12:03:53+10:00

Understanding beneficiaries in super


Nobody likes to think about what would happen when they die. But your super is likely to be one of your most valuable assets so it’s important to think about who it would go to after your death. If you want to make [...]

Understanding beneficiaries in super2024-09-03T10:38:09+10:00

Clearwater Training


Upcoming Clearwater training Clearwater has an exciting program of events coming up in the second half of 2024 supporting skills, knowledge and network development to drive the implementation of Integrated Water Management (IWM) practices. For a full program of events, visit [...]

Clearwater Training2024-09-03T09:25:41+10:00

Central Highlands Water welcomes First Nations appointment to Board


Central Highlands Water were pleased to announce the appointment of proud Gunditjmara woman, Renee Bosworth, as an Independent Aboriginal Delegate to the Board last month. Ms Bosworth, whose appointment will commence in August 2024, is CHW’s second Independent Aboriginal Delegate to [...]

Central Highlands Water welcomes First Nations appointment to Board2024-09-04T12:01:36+10:00

Barwon Water achieves full switch to renewables


Barwon Water’s services are being delivered by net-zero emissions electricity, with all its facilities now powered by 100 per cent renewables. In a major milestone, the organisation has reached the Victorian water sector’s aim to source all electricity from renewable sources [...]

Barwon Water achieves full switch to renewables2024-09-04T07:44:33+10:00

Yarra Valley Water named top ranking water company on Financial Times Climate Leaders List


Yarra Valley Water has been named the top-ranking water company on the prestigious Financial Times Asia-Pacific Climate Leaders list for 2024 – for the second year in a row. The list, compiled by the Financial Times and Statista, showcases the most [...]

Yarra Valley Water named top ranking water company on Financial Times Climate Leaders List2024-09-04T07:49:46+10:00

UV upgrade at water filtration plant shines a light for Myrniong


Greater Western Water (GWW) customers in Myrniong are benefiting from improved water quality following a $1 million upgrade to their local water filtration plant. The upgrade saw the completion of a new ultraviolet (UV) disinfection unit at the Myrniong Water [...]

UV upgrade at water filtration plant shines a light for Myrniong2024-09-02T15:08:47+10:00

New underground water pipeline provides TAFE students with hands-on learning experience


Future tradies learned about the installation of a new underground water pipeline that will service 400,000 Melburnians, when Melbourne Water invited a group of Swinburne TAFE plumbing and welding students to visit the Kilsyth to Croydon Water Main Renewal project last month. The Kilsyth [...]

New underground water pipeline provides TAFE students with hands-on learning experience2024-09-02T15:03:14+10:00
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