At the end of last year, VicWater took over management of the Insight Executive Leadership for Women in Water program, with funding support from DEECA and ongoing sponsorship from the Hon Harriet Shing, Minister for Water.
Last week we were delighted to host a welcome dinner for the 2024 Insight cohort of 13 current and emerging women executives from across the Victorian water sector – including VicWater’s own Tara Daniel.
The dinner was attended by Minister Shing, who reminded us that all too often, the natural inclination of many women is to downplay their abilities and recede into the background. She encouraged the Insight participants to step forward proudly, embrace their leadership ambitions and remember that they are already a role model for other aspiring women leaders.
The Insight program was launched in 2019 to deliver on the commitment in Water for Victoria to promote gender equity in the water sector. Over the two rounds that have been run to date, the program has evolved into a truly transformative experience not just for the participants but also for their organisations and the sector as a whole, as it builds a strong female leadership network and pipeline into top executive roles.
Congratulations to all the 2024 Insight participants, and I look forward to hearing about their experiences at the end of the 12 month program.

Caption: L to R: Kristen McCaskill, Eileen Curtis, Teresa Ayles, Clare Gibson, Karen Lau, Anna Lamont, Minister Shing, Emma Youill, Lisa Anelli, Nardia Sheriff, Katie Zeller, Tara Daniel, Anna Murray, Philippa O’Sullivan
This month’s VicWater Update includes some great news items which really showcase the breadth of activity and achievement across the Victorian water sector. We are always looking for opportunities to promote the interesting and exciting things our members are doing – if you would like to share any newsworthy announcements or stories, please contact our Engagement Manager Lauren Vines – lauren.vines@vicwater.org.au